Liberal Toure Neblett Needs a Civics Lesson on Gerrymandering
Fact: The United States Senate and House of Representatives are different. But you would never know that if you listen to liberal pundit Toure Neblett.
Neblett likes to tell everybody else what to think and believe. He’s often called on as an expert witness for the liberal cause. He’s the darling of the hip-hop culture. That means he has the ears of Millennials, most of whom voted for Barack Obama.
This is how Neblett is described on Wikipedia:
“Neblett . . . is an American writer, music journalist, cultural critic, and television personality. He is the host of Fuse’s Hiphop Shop and On the Record and co-host of The Cycle on MSNBC. He was also a contributor to MSNBC’s The Dylan Ratigan Show and serves on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominating Committee. He teaches a course on the history of hip hop at the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music, part of the Tisch School of the Arts in New York.”
On these topics, Neblett knows a whole lot more than I ever will, but when it comes to politics, more specifically civics, he doesn’t know enough to address the topic.
On The Cycle, Neblett accused Republicans of gerrymandering1 states to keep supporters of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from reelecting Democrat Senators who also supported the ACA. Here’s part of what Neblett said:
“Let’s just look at members who are supporting this Landrieu bill, right. Mary Landrieu from a red state. Senator Kay Hagan from a red state. Joe Manchin from a red state. Senator Pryor from a red state. Senator Mark Begich from a red state. Do you notice anything? We see red state Democrats who are dealing with the challenge of living and governing in a gerrymandered world where sometimes they have to deal with what the folks on the right — very low support from the Republican side for this — what the folks on the right want.”
Senators are elected state-wide. They do not run in districts. Gerrymandering is impossible when it comes to the Senate.
Those in the House of Representatives run in specific numbered districts based on the latest census numbers. The districts are reevaluated every 10 years. The districts are geographically defined, and both parties do a bit of gerrymandering. In a number of cases, districts have been gerrymandered to carve out majority black districts in order to insure black congressional representation.
Consider the 28th congressional district of New York that was made obsolete in 2013. It was nearly 100 miles long. It was designed to be a safe Democrat district. Obama got 69% of the vote in 2008.
In addition to Toure Neblett not knowing his civics, those on the show with him did not offer a correction. Maybe they didn’t want to embarrass him.
It really doesn’t matter anymore since the Constitution is what liberals say it is. And since the general public that votes for Democrats are also ignorant about how our system should work, it doesn’t matter to them either. Their goal is, “What can the government do for me by hook or by crook.”
- Gerrymandering was named after Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry. “Governor Gerry signed a bill that redistricted Massachusetts to benefit his Democratic-Republican Party. When mapped, one of the contorted districts in the Boston area was said to resemble the shape of a salamander.” [↩]