
‘Homeschoolers are only good for cleaning toilets’

Homeschooling is in the news. Because of the Coronavirus, the schools are shut down and parents must now homeschool their children.

Long before this happened, a number of radical Leftists teaching at some of our nation’s most “prestigious” educational institutions, are calling for the elimination of homeschooling or severely regulating it. See my article “Leftists HATE Homeschooling, and What They Hate, You Should Love.”

Louis DeBroux: No Free Thought: Harvard Prof Calls for ...

The title for today’s article is taken from a response to one of American Vision’s articles by an atheist who claims he can refute any argument raised in defense of the Christian faith. I have irritated him so much by answering his poorly researched responses he sends to me that his true character is spilling out in a public way. His personal emails to me are worse than what I have reproduced here. If you want to know what the world would be like with atheists in control, here’s a little taste:

It’s good that Christians homeschool. We need citizens to clean our toilets and mow our lawns. Perhaps some homeschooled Christians will be able to fill these types of jobs. The rest will be unemployable retards like their parents.

Here’s what I I told homeschoolers to do when this article first appeared: First, reply to this article (on Facebook) and leave a comment describing what kind of work you are doing since you completed homeschooling.

Second, send this article and its link to every homeschooler and homeschool organization you know and encourage them to leave a comment at the end of this article describing what they are doing since being homeschooled.

Third, I don’t want to exclude those who have graduated from a private or church-related Christian school. You can get in on this as well by adding your comments.

The public school graduation rate is around 65 percent, and in large cities it’s lower as an excerpt from a 2008 report demonstrates.

“New York City has one of the nation’s sorriest graduation rates, with less than half of city high-schoolers earning a diploma on time. . . . Even using the most optimistic calculation of the city’s graduation rate—including kids who earn GEDs and excluding special education students from the formula—only 60% of students graduated in 2006”

Test scores continue to fall even though education budgets keep growing. It seems that all we hear from government educators is the need for more money. John Stossel’s 2006 “20/20” report “Stupid In America: How We Are Cheating Our Kids” is a real eye-opener, especially when he asks South Carolina school official Dolores Wright, “How much money would be right?” Wright answers, “Oooh. Millions. And it would really make it right. . . . The more, the better.”

Is it any wonder that the judicial and political numbskulls in the United States and the new fascists in Germany, Finland, and Sweden and other countries are trying to wipe out homeschooling? They fear its superior product and how it makes public (government) education look so bad, especially when the cost of educating a student is factored in.

While homeschooling has a great academic track record, enough so that some of the best colleges in the nation recruit homeschoolers, one of its greatest social benefits is its demonstration of true liberty. Liberals love to talk about freedom of choice as long as that freedom does not include the freedom to educate their own children. It would have been OK to kill the child while he was still in his mother’s womb, but once he’s born, he belongs to the State and its educational hacks.

In tomorrow’s article, I’ll answer the befuddled atheist.

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Leftists Want to Stamp Out Homeschooling

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Cleaning Toilet E-Mailer Responds