Hollywood, Democrat Donors, and Leftist Memes Also Got Stomped On Election Day
The Susan B. Anthony List has come out say that the “War on Women” strategy is dead.
With Blacks emerging in the Republican Party, it won’t be too long before so-called Black leaders will stop referring to them as Uncle Toms or Aunt Jemimas. What will Blacks who have voted for the Democrats en masse for decades going to think every time there’s a successful Black person that he or she is going to be called a sellout to the White establishment? Why bother improving yourself if other Blacks are going to drag you down?
It’s not just these denigrators that lost big. Democrat donors also lost big:
“Democratic donors may be among the midterm election’s biggest losers, as figures from the Center for Responsive Politics reveal Democrat-aligned groups spent $1.64 billion, a sum nearly equal to that of Republican-aligned groups who spent $1.75 billion.
“Among election night’s biggest losers was Democrat billionaire hedge fund king and global warming activist Tom Steyer. The election’s single largest donor, Steyer shelled out $74 million, $67 million of which went to bankroll his NextGen super PAC.”
For all their talk about “getting money out of politics,” the Democrats sure did spend a lot and lost a lot.
MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough set liberal economist Jeffrey Sachs straight who, like a broken record, blamed the Koch brothers.
“Jeff, you just can’t say that,” Scarborough said. “You can look at the numbers, and the left and the right are both equal. It’s like the arms race between the Soviets and the Americans. It’s equal. You can say ‘big oil’ all you want to, that’s just not factually accurate.”
Then there’s liberal Hollywood.
“Led by DreamWorks Animation studio Chief Jeffrey Katzenberg, Hollywood progressives went financially all-in for Democrats in 2014. Progressives gave to races at all levels of government, but according to the Hollywood Reporter their biggest investment was the $2.5 million donated last quarter to Allison Lundergan Grimes (D-KY) to defeat Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
“Other Democrats in Senate races that also received lavish Tinseltown cash included Michelle Nunn in Georgia and sitting Senators Kay Hagan in North Carolina, Mark Pryor in Arkansas, Mark Udall in Colorado, and Mark Begich in Alaska. All of them were soundly vanquished by Republicans.”
And what did they get for their money?
“[T]he magic of Hollywood contributions to Democrats has lost its clout. Republicans picked up at least 3 governorships and 7 Senate seats, and forced run-offs in Alaska and Louisiana where they will be favored. Republicans captured 244 House seats and are leading in four of the twelve still undecided, assuring they will surpass their record of 246 seats in 1946. In perhaps the grimmest statistic to face future progressives’ hopes, the GOP now controls 65 state legislative chambers to 23 Democrat, 1 tied, and 4 undecided — a post-1920s high.”
We should feel optimistic even though we didn’t get everything we wanted. Whoever thought we would?
Remember James Carville’s 2009 book 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation”? Look for copies in the remainder bin.
Here’s an exchange that Bill O’Reilly and Carville had:
O’REILLY: Secondly, how distraught are you over what happened on Tuesday?
CARVILLE: Pretty bad. I mean it was real, real thumping. It was a mega defeat. It can’t be spun any other way.
Let’s not rest on our laurels. You know the Democrats aren’t going to take this defeat lightly. And let’s understand the Establishment Republicans are doing to try to consolidate their power.
There’s still a lot of hard work ahead.