
Hoffa: ‘A National Threat’

“I thought Jimmy Hoffa was dead.” A friend of mine made this comment as I was explaining how Jimmy Hoffa is getting away with his “sons of bitches” pro-union speech because the media are not covering it as they would if a Tea Party member had something like, “I think President Obama’s policies are not good for America.” The media would run with this 24/7 and plaster headlines like, “The Tea Party Hates America . . . The Tea Party Hates Americans.”

My friend mentioned the film Hoffa, starring Jack Nicholson, that told the story of the Union leader’s life and death.

The latest Jimmy Hoffa is a “Junior,” the late-Hoffa’s son. He is as much a thug as his later father. Union people mean business. They can be violent. Just try to cross a picket line.

There was a time when the media exposed the likes of the Hoffas. A Life magazine cover from 1959 has the late Jimmy Hoffa on the cover with this headline: “A National Threat: Hoffa’s Teamsters.” No more. Today’s Hoffa-led union is all about sucking American business dry.

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