It Didn’t Start With Obama: FDR ‘Rejected’ at the Gates of Hell
My mother-in-law found the following anonymous FDR-era poem among my father-in-law’s files and sent it to my wife. In doing some research on the poem, I found the following: This poem was published in the Denver Post sometime during the 1930s. As a school child I memorized the poem, and
Obama’s New Program to Steal More Money from Taxpayers and Buy Votes
Let’s suppose I wanted to send my children to college, but I couldn’t afford it. So I decided to steal the identity of one of my neighbors and take money from his account and use it to send my children to college. Would that be morally justifiable? I suspect that
Rep. Mick Mulvaney Offers Up Lame Excuses Why He and Others Voted for Boehner
A number of newly elected Republican Congressmen and women voted for John Boehner for speaker after they ran a campaign opposing the GOP leadership. Mick Mulvaney, U.S. Congressman from the 5th district of South Carolina, is giving cover for himself and those who voted for Boehner. He begins by stating
Do You Want to Guess How Ignorant These Liberals Are?
You don’t have to be a genius to know how the government and/or governments of the United States works/work. We are a nation of states. Each state has its own constitution and elected officials. It was the original thirteen states that created the national government and gave it very specific
Termites Emit More Greenhouse Gases than Coal Plants
Buried deep in the archives of The New York Times is an article about termites. We have a hate-love relationship with the little creatures. We hate them because they can turn a house constructed from wood into saw dust without a homeowner ever knowing it. Watch a show like “Flip
Is It Time to Abandon the Republican Party?
We’re hearing about third parties again. Mark Levin has said that “he’s one inch away from leaving” the Republican Party. Matt Barber has written “I Am No Longer a Republican.” In the second paragraph of his article (you can read it here on Godfather Politics), he writes: “Even before the
State Tells Christian Ministry it Must Hire Non-Christians
Once people call on the government to create laws on who a business can hire and fire, you can expect agencies that govern the terms of hiring and firing to grow exponentially as political pressure is put on the government by special interest groups to be treated specially. Eric Holder’s
Are Blackmail Reports About John Boehner True?
This story might explain a lot. Matt Drudge tweeted: “Spending bill passed because NSA has ‘dirt’ on speaker.” Is there blackmail behind John Boehner’s easy capitulation to Obama and the passage of the pork-laden, government controlling CROmibus bill? Does Obama know something about Boehner that we don’t know? There was
Meet the ‘Most Conservative’ Congressman Who ‘Went Turbo’ by Voting for CROmnibus
I’m watching Wreck it Ralph (2012) as I’m writing this. Ralph wrecks things. Felix fixes what Ralph wrecks. Ralph doesn’t like his bad guy image, so he “goes turbo” to get a medal to join Felix who gets a medal all the time. “Going turbo” is a bad thing in the
Tax-Payer Paid Professor Compares Tea Party to Nazis
Psychology professor Dr. Blake Armstrong, who teaches at South Texas College in Weslaco, Texas, was caught on video comparing the Tea Party to the Nazis. You’ve got to love the new “everybody-is-a-journalist” era. To cover his tracks, Armstrong “told his students not to ‘tell anybody’ about his remarks — but
This Is What Happens When You Don’t Read the Bills
What’s going to happen when eager newbies, who were voted into office to bring fundamental change to Washington, alter the political process, and dilute the Establishment Republican stranglehold on policy issues get seduced by GOP leaders who have shown themselves to be corrupt over and over again. Consider this latest
Leftists Calling for Communism in the Name of Evolution
“The sanctification of the rights of individuals and their liberties today by libertarians and Tea Party conservatives is contrary to our evolved human nature as social animals. . . . The thought that it is both rational and natural for each of us to care only for ourselves, our own
Whacko Bishop Wants Koran Read at Coronation of Prince Charles
We are learning that Lord Harries of Pentregarth, a retired Anglican Bishop of Oxford, said that at Prince Charles’ coronation would include a reading from the Koran. Such “a gesture at the traditionally Anglican service would be ‘creative’ and make Muslims feel ‘embraced’ by the nation.” Embraced by the nation?
Pardoning a Turkey is Not Like Amnesty
During the White House Turkey pardon this year, President Obama joked that his critics would call his action “amnesty.” “I know some will call this amnesty,” he said, as the people in the room laughed. “But don’t worry, there is plenty of turkey to go around.” Obama also joked that
You Can’t Be an American and be an Atheist
The folks at the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) want to rid the country of every vestige of religion from every facet of society and make the nation officially atheistic. They contend that the Constitution requires it based on a tortured reading of the First Amendment and a rewriting of
Ferguson’s Lesson: The Police Will Not Protect You
There are many things to learn about what is taking place in Ferguson, Missouri, but one lesson is not being discussed very much. When it comes to riots fanned by the flaming rhetoric of race hustlers, guilt manipulators, and liberal apologists, when the excrement hits the fan, you and I
Teacher Tells Child Her Mother is Not Her Teacher
The following story is getting some traction. I suspect there are other stories like this about which parents never hear a thing. They don’t know what their children are being taught or what they’re not being taught. “Cassidy Vines recently began noticing a change in her daughter’s behavior. The kindergartener began
The Walking Dead v. Black Friday Crowds
Who would win in a face off between The Walking Dead or the earlier Dawn of the Dead and Black Friday shoppers? Don’t forget the hilarious Shaun of the Dead (2004). They can teach us a great deal about economics and the efficiency of the market place, innovation, competition, more