Why Don’t Pro-Gay Companies Use These Real ‘Gay’ Images to Promote Their Products?
There’s a list going around of 35 companies that have come out in support of the 5-4 pro-homosexual marriage decision. support for homosexuality has been going on for a long time in big-name companies — from Coca Cola and American Airlines to Delta Airlines and Whole Foods. In these promotional advertisements
Five Things Churches Should Immediately do to Protect Themselves from the Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Law
Churches have always had a say in who they would marry. Many churches won’t marry non-members or allow non-members to use their facilities. Churches often require a series of counseling sessions. Pastors often question prospective married couples about church membership, lifestyle choices, whether they are marrying within the Christian faith,
Another Stupid Anti-Gun Meme
There are too many Americans who can’t think straight anymore (if they ever could). They say stupid things that they believe are good arguments. Most likely they pass on somebody else’s stupid “argument” believing that it answers an intended objective. Unfortunately, these people are permitted to vote. A few years
Terrorism and Violence for Social Change are Tactics of the Left
Once again liberals want to blame a murder spree on conservatives. Somehow Dylann Roof represents conservatives because he used a gun to kill 9 innocent black people in church and likes the Confederate Battle flag. Liberals did a similar thing with the Oklahoma City bombing. And what’s a liberal’s solution?
What Liberals Refuse to Acknowledge About Gun Violence
“Let’s be clear: At some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,” President Obama said in response to the murders that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
Liberal Toxic Culture Has Made Christians and Churches Easy Targets
The motive in the Charleston church shooting seems to be about the shooter’s perverted view of race. As a result, the media are calling it a racial “hate crime” and that the alleged shooter Dylann Roof was mentally ill, a common way to explain murderous acts these days. It’s all
Guns, Cakes, Murderers, Gay Weddings, and Liberal ‘Logic’
You don’t have to be a genius to think like a genius, and you don’t have to be a moron to think like a moron. Here’s some moronic thinking: If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a ‘christian’ baker participated in their marriage, does selling a gun to
Why Interracial Marriage and Same-Sex Marriage are Not the Same
The homosexual movement has hitched its wagon to the racial equality train. In days past, interracial marriages were prohibited by law in some states. Homosexuality was prohibited by law in every state. The laws have since changed concerning interracial marriages; therefore, the laws should change for same-sex marriage. Is this
Miley Cyrus, Sex With Animals, and Consent
Miley Cyrus has said more outrageous things recently. Here’s the latest as reported by Fox News: “[Miley Cyrus] says she is the least judgmental person ever, yet she has some harsh words for Christian fundamentalists and her parents… [She] ‘maintains a particular contempt for fundamentalist lawmakers who rally against this
Bill Clinton’s Former Spiritual Advisor Goes Gay
Support for homosexual unions, commitment ceremonies, and marriages are coming from within the church. This should not surprise us since Paul warned the Ephesian elders nearly 2000 years ago: “I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your
Bruce Jenner Wants Self-Authentication to be No. 1 Again
In a previous article I wrote, “Bottom line, Bruce Jenner learned from being on the Kardashian reality show that if you want to make money, you need to be a woman and do something outlandish. This was the way for Jenner to cash in.” Here’s what I think happened to
Photoshopped Bruce Jenner is Being Used to Force us to Submit to the Perverse
The media are gushing over the cover of Vanity Fair magazine that shows one-time Olympic athlete and gold medal winner Bruce Jenner dressed up to look like a woman. This is supposed to convince us that transgenderism is real. Give me a break. Dressing a man to look like a
Pro-‘Gay,’ Pro-Abortion Nancy Pelosi Says Rubio is a Bad Catholic
Nancy Pelosi says she is a faithful Roman Catholic. She has said that Marco Rubio is a bad Roman Catholic: “I thoroughly disagree (with Rubio’s opposition to gay marriage), being raised in a Catholic family, raising a Catholic family, mainstream Catholic – well, the Baltimore Catechism, to get back to
Dennis Hastert’s Real ‘Crime’ Was How He Made His Money
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been indicted on banking crimes. Did he steal money from the bank? No. Did he fail to pay his taxes? No. So what was his ‘crime’? He withdrew his own money from his bank because he was being blackmailed over alleged sexual misconduct that
Why Does Ireland’s Pro-Gay Vote Count but not the Votes of 30 States in the US?
Ireland overwhelmingly voted for same-sex marriage. Why does Ireland’s vote count when in the United States votes by state legislatures and the general public (e.g., California, Alabama, Texas) are often overruled by unelected judges? Why is it right in Ireland to vote for something and have it mean something, but
NJ Lawmakers Vote to Discriminate Against People Who Want to Have Sex with Animals
Lawmakers in New Jersey did a discriminatory thing. I realize that for most (probably all, although there are some liberal trolls) the readers of Godfather Politics will approve of what New Jersey has done. But take note of the fact there is no moral, logical, constitutional, traditional, legal, or scientific
A Case for Christian Resistance in Anticipation of the Pro-Same-Sex Marriage Decision
In the fight against same-sex marriage, a number of Christian leaders are warning, “We will not obey. . . . We respectfully warn the Supreme Court not to cross that line,” reads a document titled Pledge in Solidarity to Defend Marriage. “We stand united together in defense of marriage. Make no mistake
12 Reasons Homosexual Marriage Will Wreck the Nation
In addition to being the editor and a contributor to Godfather Politics, I also serve as president of American Vision, a Christian ministry that deals with biblical worldview issues. American Vision has been involved in issues like same-sex marriage, politics, economics, education, ethics, atheism, creation and evolution, apologetics, and many