Who Does Obama Fear Most, Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich?
My wife and I were on the road to Nashville this weekend when we tuned into John Gibson’s radio show. He was taking calls on this question: Who does President Obama fear most, Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich? This is the wrong question. The right question is, Who will energize
Dangerous Executive Orders Still on the Books
While doing a bit of Web surfing, I came across an article that contained some very disturbing information about Executive Orders. The ones that get you are the ones you don’t know about. With talk about riots in the streets, it’s not too much to imagine that some of these
Gun Purchases Skyrocket: I Wonder Why?
USA Today reports that “Gun dealers flooded the FBI with background check requests for prospective buyers last Friday, smashing the single-day, all-time high by 32%, according to bureau records. Deputy Assistant FBI Director Jerry Pender said the checks, required by federal law, surged to 129,166 during the day, far surpassing
Egypt about to be Ruled by Muslim Brotherhood
The President and his liberal compatriots were excited to see the Arab Spring bring democracy to a nation like Egypt. There is no doubt that the presidency of Hosni Mubarak was corrupt and needed to be changed. Riots in the streets don’t breed confidence. It would be like putting the
The Bible and the Constitution
Christians are often accused of wanting to replace the Constitution with the Bible. There could be someone out there who might have said this. If you hunt long enough, you can always find a sound-bite from a no-name character to make your already concluded case. The charge sets up a
Liberal says Jesus Wants Government to ‘Forgive’ Student Debts
Let’s get something straight. The only money that government has, it takes from people who work for a living. The only money government has to lend, it took from you and me. In a way, when these student loans are paid back, the money should go back to the people
Obama’s Winning Election Strategy Revealed
When someone has to use a teleprompter all the time, it’s because he doesn’t believe what he’s reading. The words are not his own. People who know and believe a certain way don’t need notes. You know they believe what they’re saying because the words roll of their tongue. There
American Pulpits and Politics: The Hope of Our Nation
While driving to Charlotte, North Carolina, I heard Pastor John MacArthur encourage Christians to vote. It wasn’t that long ago that he left the impression in his book Why Government Can’t Save You1 that Christians should resist putting too much emphasis on politics. I was glad to hear him take
Guess What Party Engaged in Voter Fraud?
There are lots of news stories about politics where the Party affiliation of the subject of the story is never mentioned. When the story of Jon Corzine story was first reported, it was hard to find out what political party he was affiliated with. As the story grew, it finally
Company Won’t Hire ‘Until Obama is Gone’
A Georgia business owner has put up a sign that is causing some controversy. It reads: “New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone.” The owner says that it’s nothing personal. It’s not attack on the President but on his policies. Bill Looman explained that he can’t
George Washington’s Politically Incorrect Thanksgiving Proclamation
Can you imagine a president today giving a Thanksgiving Proclamation that mentions “Almighty God” twice, describes him as “the great Lord and Ruler of Nations,” and calls for prayer and confession of “national sins”? This thanksgiving declaration was written and published in the Massachusetts Centinel to thank God for giving
“I’m Personally Opposed, But. . . .”
It seems that social issues are taking a back seat to the economy and sabre rattling from Iran and Israel. Like the Saddleback Forum in 2008 between then candidates Obama and McCain, with Rick Warren moderating, the topic of abortion will once again become a center-stage issue, primarily because of
Why Are So Many Conservatives Liberal?
I can’t understand why Americans talk conservative but vote liberal when it comes to government spending, until I read some of the nonsense that passes as thoughtful journalism in our nation’s newspapers. Michael Gartner of USA Today is critical of a capital gains tax cut because, you guessed it, the
Obama Wants a Mobocracy that He Controls
“We Are What Democracy Looks Like!” is a popular slogan and sign used by the Occupiers. If mob rule is the definition of democracy, then they are right. The thing of it is, America is not a democracy. Sure, there are democratic elements in our system of government, but Article
How Liberals Lie About History
Charles Babbage (1791–1871), an English scientist and mathematician who conceptualized the idea of a programmable computer, understood that scientists were often guilty of manipulating evidence to add credibility to a theory. Babbage described three types of misconduct: forging (the outright invention of data), trimming (the cosmetic ‘massaging’ of data, so
Obama Says God Wants Congress to Pass His Jobs Bill
Finally, I found something on which I can agree with the President. The following comments were in front of the Key Bridge, which spans Arlington, Va. and Washington. The President urged Congress to pass the infrastructure piece of his jobs plan: “If Congress tells you they don’t have time, they
A Simple Way to Reduce the Prison Population
An article by Kevin Johnson that appeared on the front page of USA Today reports that “More than half a dozen states are reclassifying a range of property crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, a change that could spare prison terms for minor offenses and save states jail and prosecution costs.”1
Is It Constitutional to Pray in ‘Jesus’ Name’?
Commissioners from Forsyth County in North Carolina appeared before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit to appeal a District Court’s decision to bar commissioners from opening public meetings with prayers prayed in Jesus’ name. The ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State argued (naturally)