Candace Owens Says ‘Liberals Believe’ Blacks ‘Are Their Slaves’
Candace Owens responded to actor Chris Evens (Fantastic Four and Captain America): “Nothing pisses white liberals off more than finding out that ‘their blacks’ refuse to behave the way they want them too…. Both @LanaDelRey and @ChrisEvans reacted poorly when they learned Kanye wasn’t their property.”
Evans attack Kanye West for his support of Pres Trump. Here’s what Evans said:
There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue. The level of unapologetic conjecture I’ve encountered lately isn’t just frustrating, it’s retrogressive, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying.
Let’s see, black employment is at one of its highest levels in history. It seems that it’s Evans who doesn’t know history or new reports. It may be because Evans is only listening and reading what comes out of the Leftist media.
But back to Candace Owens’ comments about liberals who believe they own blacks. And there are some blacks who believe they are the masters of millions of blacks who don’t measure up to their black privilege. Soop Dogg comes to mind who called Kanye West an “Uncle Tom.”
Democrats don’t really care about blacks. They need them as victims. If victims ever get rescued, then the power base of the Party disappears. That’s why programs have been developed by the Democrat Party to keep the majority of poor whites and blacks down economically. Republicans get sucked into the charade because they do not want to be perceived as “racist,” so they go along with these programs. But there’s always a new program developed in terms of “you’re a racist if you don’t vote for it.”
What has the Martin Luther King holiday or naming streets and schools after him ever done for blacks? I heard former UN Ambassador Andrew Young ask a similar question. Anyone who spoke against these symbolic efforts would immediately be labeled a racist. The Democrats know this, so they continue to bait conservatives with these meaningless gestures while growing the power and reach of government.
Will removing any of the Confederate edifices of our nation’s past (including, it seems, Mount Rushmore and Stone Mountain) lead to the advance of a single black person in the United States? No, but it will embolden the social revolutionaries.
A number of black “leaders” (e.g., Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton) have made their living by promoting black victimhood and white guilt. Jesse Jackson has been shaking down corporations with the scam for decades.
Booker T. Washington (1865–1915) warned of such people within the black community in his 1911 book My Larger Education. He described them as “problem profiteers”:
There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.
Washington could have had in view, although writing more than a hundred years ago, black people who rail against black conservatives like Herman Cain, Candace Owens, and Kanye West. Cain doesn’t present himself as a victim, and this disturbs people like Al Sharpton. Cain lived at a time when there were “colored” water fountains, segregated schools and neighborhoods, and racial discrimination that few people today can imagine.
If anyone has a right to play the victim card, it’s Cain. He didn’t feel sorry for himself. He stayed out of trouble, worked hard, and made something of himself without the help of a cadre of “poverty pimps.” Cain is the antithesis of the Democrat Party and 90 percent of blacks who support it.
Washington continues with a story that encapsulates what is wrong with so many black “leaders” and their guilt-ridden white supporters. Those victimizing blacks are other blacks:
A story told me by a coloured man in South Carolina will illustrate how people sometimes get into situations where they do not like to part with their grievances. In a certain community there was a coloured doctor of the old school, who knew little about modern ideas of medicine, but who in some way had gained the confidence of the people and had made considerable money by his own peculiar methods of treatment. In this community there was an old lady who happened to be pretty well provided with this world’s goods and who thought that she had a cancer. For twenty years she had enjoyed the luxury of having this old doctor treat her for that cancer. As the old doctor became — thanks to the cancer and to other practice — pretty well-to-do, he decided to send one of his boys to a medical college. After graduating from the medical school, the young man returned home, and his father took a vacation. During this time the old lady who was afflicted with the “cancer” called in the young man, who treated her; within a few weeks the cancer (or what was supposed to be the cancer) disappeared, and the old lady declared herself well.
When the father of the boy returned and found the patient on her feet and perfectly well, he was outraged. He called the young man before him and said:
“My son, I find that you have cured that cancer case of mine. Now, son, let me tell you something. I educated you on that cancer. I put you through high school, through college, and finally through the medical school on that cancer. And now you, with your new ideas of practicing medicine, have come here and cured that cancer. Let me tell you, son, you have started all wrong. How do you expect to make a living practicing medicine in that way?”
I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well because as long as the disease holds out (real or manufactured) they have not only an easy means of making a living but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.
If the patient gets well, an entire industry of victimhood will get cancer and die. This would be the best thing for the black community. Until blacks throw off the shroud of victimhood, they will be at the mercy of “doctors” who treat a self-inflicted cancer that only makes the doctors rich.