Atheist Richard Dawkins Says Fairytales Harm Children Except the Fiarytale of Evolution
Richard Dawkins, the high priest of everything evolutionary, has come out against fairytales. “Even fairytales, the ones we all love, about witches and wizards or princes turning into frogs. There’s a very interesting reason why a prince could not turn into a frog. It’s statistically too improbable.”
This is the same Richard Dawkins who equated bringing up children with religious beliefs is “child abuse.”
But let’s stick to Dawkins’ claim that statistically a prince could not turn into a frog. For Dawkins, it’s “too improbable,” but it’s not improbable for nothing to become something. Talk about a fairy tale. (See David Stove’s Darwinian Fairytales: Selfish Genes, Errors of Heredity, and Other Fables of Evolution.)
At least there was a prince to start with. There was stuff to turn into something else. Evolution doesn’t even have the stuff to turn anything into something. In a way, evolution has all the markings of a fairytale. A wizard passes his wand over thin air, says the magic word “science,” and abracadabra, we have life!
Again, the problem for the evolutionist is where did the wizard come from and where did he get that wand!
In his book The Greatest Show on Earth, Dawkins lays the groundwork for the Darwinian fairytale:
“We have no evidence about what the first step in making life was, but we do know the kind of step it must have been. It must have been whatever it took to get natural selection started. Before that first step, the sorts of improvement that only natural selection can achieve were impossible. And that means the key step was the rising, by some process as yet unknown, of a self-replicating entity.”1
Evolution is about magic, conjuring something out of nothing. Until evolutionists demonstrate (1) the origin of matter out of nothing (abracadabra), (2) how inorganic matter evolved into organic matter (abiogenesis), (3) the origin of information and its meaningful organization (DNA programming), and (4) a genetic explanation for why it is mandatory that anyone be moral (ethics), evolution is little more than a fairytale dressed up in shining armor.
Dawkins talks about probability. Consider the following on “Probability and the Origin of Life” by Robert E. Kofahl:
“For roughly fifty years secular scientists who have faith in the power of dumb atoms to do anything have been carrying on scientific research aimed at finding out how the dumb atoms could have initiated life without any outside help. Since they believe that this really happened, they believe that it was inevitable that the properties of atoms, the laws of physics, and the earth’s early environment should bring forth life. More sober minds, however, have realized the immense improbability of the spontaneous origin of life (called ‘abiogenesis’). Some have made careful investigations and mathematical calculations to estimate what the probability is for abiogenesis to occur. Their calculations show that life’s probability is extremely small, essentially zero.”
Start with nothing . . . absolutely nothing. No air. No matter . . . not even an atom. No energy. No space. No thought. No time. Just a long dead silence. This is the evolutionist’s reality before the dawn of something becoming everything. At some infinitesimal moment in time all the stuff that makes up our world came into being. Like the Millennium Falcon coming out of light speed, the cosmos appeared, the difference being, there was no Millennium Falcon or light to measure its speed. Once there was nothing, now there is everything.
If as Dawkins says, teaching fairytales to children is dangerous, then teaching them the fairytale of evolution is the most dangerous fairytale of them all.
- Richard Dawkins, The Greatest Show on Earth (New York: The Free Press, 2009), 419. [↩]